My contact information Hyperwyrm
Email address
As protection against bots that harvest email addresses for spam, I don't write my email address out in full.
The address is: "translations", followed by the at-mark, then my website address (ending in .uk).
You can also see my email address written normally simply by solving a reCAPTCHA.
Google Talk for instant communication
I am also available via instant messaging on Google Talk, if this is easier.
The address is: my username (without, dot translations, at-symbol, then gmail dot com.
Name, postal address, etc.
My real name is James Rushton. Postal address available if required.
To forumites and other non-business individuals
In case you're not sure how to write the email: There's no need to be formal. ^^;
Simply "will you translate this?" and a link or some text will do. You're not committed to anything by asking.
Remember to check what I won't translate!
You can also PM me on Reddit or something. (Same username).